Post Ranch Inn, Big Sur, CA
"…Walk around the extensive grounds to see the beautiful tree, plant and bird life - not forgetting the Redwoods..."
Viceroy, Miami, FL
"Beautiful views, amazing pool area, spa was simply gorgeous."
Bardessono, Yountville, CA
"I loved all the environmentally friendly practices used at the hotel. I truly appreciate all your dedication..."
Hotel Terra Jackson Hole, Wyoming
"Built into the mountainside in Teton Village... this LEED-certified contemporary hotel is gorgeous!"
Los Poblanos Historic Inn & Organic Farm, Albuquerque, NM
"The locally made farm fresh food is delightful... They… go to great lengths to be environmentally friendly."
Hyatt at Olive 8, Seattle, WA
"Sleek and contemporary with all the important technological touches... and LEED-certified."